Work Your Way

The ultimate platform to grow your fashion styling business

The benefits


One place to showcase your best work, reviews and attract clients.

Clients Management

Manage bookings, finances, and client communications seamlessly in one place.

No risk

Free to sign up and only pay a percent from the sale made via platform.


Flat rate fee of 10% on any sold service, with no hidden fees.

Verified reviews

Build credibility with reviews from validated customers.

Sell Services

List your services for Free. Share service link to make sale and manage orders.

Feedback Loop

Utilize feedback to enhance your services and client satisfaction

Monetise Easier

Share Your Quadrip profile to gain exposure and monetise your network and social media followers

How does it work?

1. Register

Join for free.

2. Showcase

Fill your profile with information about you, your experience and work examples.

3. List services

List your offered services. Clear pricing, description and outcome examples.

4. Attract

Share your profile online to clients who can review and easily purchase your services.

5. Style

Once the order is confirmed, connect with the client, and deliver your service seamlessly via Quadrip.

6. Complete

As you successfully complete orders, your rating improves, and payments are automatically cleared to your account.

Ready to get started?


Follow your profile views, messages, financial statements, jobs progress and business proposals. Everything you need for smooth work. 

After registration go to your profile section and choose “Submit a service” on the left hand side. Fill the requested info windows with details about the service, price,  add examples pictures and other information.
When service information is filled click “Save & Preview” button.
The service is submitted for the approval and usually takes up to 24 hours to be released.

1. Service Title: The title should be short, yet descriptive. It should give a clear indication of what the service is.

2. Service Description: This section provides a detailed explanation of the service. It should explain what the service is, what it involves, and how it will benefit the customer. This is your chance to sell the value of your service.

2.1. What You’ll Get: This part should list everything that the customer will receive as part of the service. Use bullet points for clarity and ease of reading.

3. What You Need From The Buyer: Clearly explain what information or materials you will need from the customer in order to provide the service. Be as specific as possible to avoid any confusion.

List as many services as you want. All the information about your completed and outstanding jobs are available in the dashboard

Manage your time and services based on your availability. Accept the order and deliver it within a timeframe you have set for yourself on the listed service. 

Grow your audience and get more exposure by putting the love and consideration in your work. Customer can write reviews and rate you based on their experience. Better ratings – more customers!

Submit and edit your fashion blog for better exposure

Mostly asked questions

We accept credit and debit cards – Visa, Mastercard, American Express.

Your fashion services portfolio is entirely up to you. Use it to clearly illustrate the full extent of your services and pricing options.

It’s free to join Quadrip. There is no subscription required or fees to list your services. You keep 90% of each transaction.

It’s very flexible. You need to put in some time and effort in the beginning to learn the marketplace and then you can decide for yourself what amount of work you want to do.

With flexibility to create your package for each listed service you set your pricing.

Once you complete a buyer’s order, the money is transferred to your Quadrip account. No need to chase clients for payments and wait 60 or 90 days for a pay. You can withdraw the money from your Quadrip account whenever you want. The money might take up to 48 hours to reflect on your bank account.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us. You can reach us at

We are always looking for ways to improve our platform and making it better for you and your growth.
Share your feedback and ideas with us. 

Fashion Newsletter to Grow Your Customer Base and Exposure

Our platform offers a range of benefits for fashion stylists who want to write a blog, including:

  • A built-in audience: Our platform has a large and engaged audience of fashion lovers who are always looking for new and interesting content. By writing for our platform, you can reach a wider audience and build a following that is interested in your work and perspective.

  • Professional support: We have a team of experienced editors and content managers who can help you to develop your blog and ensure that it is polished, professional, and engaging. We can provide feedback on your writing, help you to optimize your content for search engines, and promote your blog on our social media channels.

  • Exposure to new opportunities: By writing a fashion blog on our platform, you can attract the attention of potential clients, collaborators, and partners who are looking for a stylist with your skills and expertise. This can lead to new opportunities, such as styling projects, partnerships, and brand collaborations.

  • A platform for personal growth: Writing a blog can be a powerful tool for personal growth and development. By sharing your insights and opinions on fashion, you can clarify your own thinking and develop your unique voice and perspective. You can also connect with other fashion professionals and learn from their experiences and insights.

As a fashion stylist, your expertise and unique perspective on fashion are invaluable. By writing a fashion blog on our platform, you can share your knowledge and insights with a wider audience, establish yourself as an expert in your field, and build a strong personal brand.